What is a Task Management Partner
Task Management Partner services allow you to focus on what really matters. Once we get your To Do list, we’ll be able to track your daily activities, analyze your priorities and keep track of what you need the most.

You receive 2 services.
・Receive detailed and taylor-made notifications twice a day.
・Have your list checked and thoroughly analyzed by our partners to increase your daily productivity.
You’ll be able to improve and also manage your production processes more effectively.
Do you have any problems with your productivity ?
Why do you stop being motivated?
Oftentimes your motivation levels are boosted by workshops, books or even your friends so then you work and study hard. It’s easy to lose momentum and get stuck.

When you make new year’s resolutions, do you follow through with them or do they disappear in a few months?
You’ve also tried time management apps, plans and methods but it just doesn’t seem to work…
Don’t worry, you’re not alone!
Your To Do lists are too long so you don’t know where to start.
We know, it can be overwhelming to complete all of those tasks and in turn, it makes you feel frustrated when you can’t do them all.
Having too many tasks gives you a sense of purpose but in reality it only slows you down.
We can help you manage your time by organizing your priorities. You can rely on us!
You don’t manage you. Be productive, not just “busy”.
You know that making a To Do list is effective, however, when you’re too busy you don’t use it and then you don’t get the results you hoped for.
We are here to make this transition possible. With our services you’ll see how much more you can achieve by letting us manage your tasks.

We support your progress all the way!
You probably already know that even the most talented person is left behind if they do not have the required willpower. So it is in your best interest to use the tools you have at your disposal effectively.

Unfortunately, sometimes we lack enough of it but how do we keep ourselves motivated?

Well, according to The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey, we become more engaged when we have a clear set of goals in mind.
This system we have developed over extensive research enables us to take our services to the vast majority of entrepreneurs; we call it “Task Management Partner” or TMP.
Our service take you frequently so your motivation not to become too low and not to continue bad condition.

Our services fit these profiles.
- Freelancer who wants to focus on closing more deals.
- Corporate CEOs and Managers who want to focus on managing their duties.
- Professionals who are currently studying to further enhance their careers.
- Workers who have huge responsibilities and need help micro-managing them.
- Anyone who does not keep their motivation level at high peaks.
And many more!
When you sign up with us you get:
- A sense of achievement.
- A clear vision of your daily routine.
- The ability to give more value to your job.
- More time to invest in critical thinking.
- You get to identify your priorities and get things done!
Just like the Mr. Covey said in his book, one of the seven habits is to “put first things first” and we are here to help you make it happen!
What is our Service contents (Message Plan)

- Receive detailed and taylor-made notifications twice a day.
- Have your list checked and thoroughly analyzed by our partners to increase your daily productivity.
Our targets are these.
- Avoided your waste time.
- Your brain has always clear.
- Your To Do List is managed then you know you to do immediately.
You could manage your To Do List every day and organize your life, work and achieve your goal from our message.
You feel good intensive from these services then your productivities will be improve.
One day’s message sample
8 am (You can select time)
Partner checks your To Do list before send message.
Good morning. Your were great progress yesterday!
How about today? Please tell me today’s plan.
Customer reply our message and announce to partner about today’s plan or target.
Good morning, yesterday was smashing day!
Today I want to do my project task, especially making a document and calculate budget again. After work I will go to the gym.
Sounds nice! I hope you will achieve your goal today as well.
8 pm (You can select time)
How about today’s progress?
I forgot check my list, I did my work well. But I didn’t go to the gym because my colleague invited me after work.
Well done your hard work! I think chat with your colleague is also important but when will you go to the gym next?
I will go to the gym tomorrow. If anybody invite me again I refuse such attractive invitation.
It is important both health and relationship. Keep your balance!
Your message time is your thinking time. This service only support you, you need to do everything.
Service Fee
220 USD/ a month
Service start day is start day.
If you sign up for it 23 April, service start day is 24 April, your monthly period is 24 April to 23 May.
Terms and conditions
Please confirm about terms and conditions.
This agreement governs the Message service at the Task Management Partner by the client.
- You are responsibility for your result.
- Our service is from Japan, partner has been learning English so please tell us every time if you don’t understand what we wrote.
About client’s information
- We promise to protect any clients information. But we need to share client’s information to another staff because improve our business.
- If we would like to introduce client review on our website, we will confirm to client before uploaded.
- You sign up our service, you provide some your personal information, your name, country, e-mail address.*If you want to use another SNS service, please provide us your account.
- When you cancel our service we immediately remove your personal information.
About message time to change
- If you want to change message time, please tell me before day.
About share your tool
- Your Tool share with us until 2 tools
Service period, Refund Policy, cancel
- This service is monthly service. If you want to cancel this service on the way, we don’t refund any reason.
- We have one week free trial so we don’t refund in any reasons during service. Please check it during trial period.
- Please tell me you cancel this service before one week. We cancel your payment.
You could ask me everything, anytime.
If you don’t any response to our service in 2 days when you applied for, please contact us again.
Task Management Partner’s information
We started this service for everybody’s work more productivity and someone will achieve their goal from now.
In 2012 I started small co-working space in Japan then closed in 2020. During co-working space opened, client and I started Task Management Partner service.
The client, he came up with this service because he always struggled his productivities and motivations continuing.
First, he searched and used different type of tools such as To Do list, Pomodoro technique, time management, and so on. Every tools are great but he couldn’t use continue them. He wanted to continue to use such amazing tools but he realized he need someone to help him.
Second, he relied on his family. But unfortunately it worked only one or two days because it forgot both he and his family.
Third, he didn’t give up to rely on his family but he realized that he hired someone is better!
He hired part-time job person. But it didn’t work long, this person forgot check him certain time.
Then he gave up produce his idea shortly and his work was getting slowly again.
In Few years, at co-working space, he remembered and talk to me his thinking and past trial things, while he and I talked about something. I felt so impressed about his interesting idea and I said “I do it” then this service launched in 2015.
We offer a service from person not automatically. Because motivation will be getting higher to chat from human than robot.
I always offer our service sincerely and hope client’s success.
Everybody has different goals, situation and problems. We always consider your circumstances and provide progress suit you.
Our service make you feel motivate, best performance and achieve your goal or solve the problems.
First at all, you will try our service and confirm fit you.
We always welcome you and support you.
Partner’s information
My name is Namiko I am from Japan. I supported many Japanese business person at co-working space and also support at TMP.
Our service feature is frequency. I always provide a service sincerely and check your performance.
Getting started!
1st step: Fill out the application form and submit it to us.
First, I fill this application form off then send it.
Thank you for your application.
Please check your email, we replay it automatically first.
Second, we send you the e-mail in person.
Please tell me your problems and specific goal, we will corporate then solve these problems and achieve your goals.
2nd step: You receive e-mail from us with the sign up details.
Our email contents 1: please tell me your available message time and tool
We ask you message time( you select two times a day) and tool(gmail, skype).
* This service is from Japan so perhaps we have a time different. I ‘m sorry if I don’t take service your proper time.
I need to decided time, hmm please sent me 7 am and 6 pm. A tool is mail, and service start day is tomorrow.
I see. If you want to change your time please tell me every time. When will you want to start?
Our email contents 2: Share your To Do list with us.
We check your list every day so you can concentrate on the things that matter. Then, you don’t skip the important tasks.
We check your tasks every day. It is good for your motivation and concentrate.
* If you don’t want to share some your private tasks please don’t share with them.
* If you don’t use any To Do lists, we recommend Todoist.
* We use Microsoft and Android, If your task tool share needs to payment, you need to pay with us.
* If you want to share your To Do list at paper, please take a photo and share to us before message.
Free trial
We have one week (7 days) free trial.
Please check our service whether it fits your needs or not.
Should you tell me if you have any questions before and after sign up.
Our email contents 3: Payment (Paypal link)procedure after one week trial
After one week trial, you decide to continue this service or not. You decided to continue, we send Paypal link via e-mail so please click it.
Service start: We follow up on you twice a day with important notifications.
We regularly send you messages, you can progress what you want to do and continue.
Why every day?
Our service includes 2 messages every day via SMS, we think it is very important to contact you regularly.

*If you want to take service 5 days (or 6 days and so on) a week please tell me before or during service (Service Fee is the same).
Your performance will be monitored and enhanced in no time.
Share your To Do lists and receive messages to get your best performance. We will update you on your progress while you study, hone healthy habits and so on. Your life will become better than before.
We all know that machines can work at exact times, for example, mobile phones have a lot of management functions such as alarm, calendar and schedule but you are human, can you acquire perfect control over everything?

You can protect your business or important matters but you sometimes don’t protect your own promises.
If you have a private assistant like us, you will be able to achieve your goals and maintain your motivation.
You can finally experience true life-work balance!
We are rooting for you!