Why don’t you use the To Do List for your saving

I have Japanese intermediate financial diploma, this blog theme is saving money to use to do lists.


You have to think how do you use the money

If you have enough money you can buy everything and do everything but most of people can’t. So you have to think how and when you use to money

For example when I was a young I bought many clothes, bags and shoes and also I went to the concerts and plays. At that time I thought clothes are stuff so someday there are throw them away but lives, travels and such experiences become memory.

Now I want to be make my memory more.

Of course these thinking are depend on the person but some researches say use your money for other and experiences more satisfied than you buy something by yourself.

You think “I don’t enough money” at that time you will have to think use the money for more satisfied than you did.

Recommended 3 saving ways

If you feel you want to more saving you will continue 3 ways saving recommendation.

These are from my experiences.

Make new hobby is “Study”

Study is always free you can enjoy everywhere and every time.

You can learn something new, you go to the library or you can get certificate you study at your home

You will get new knowledge or you will aim new certification.

If you don’t have any plan at weekend, new hobby don’t need money and get interesting knowledge instead of you go to the shopping mall and buy stuff.

Become minimalist

If you don’t buy stuff you will saving more. you will realize you don’t conscious what you bought many stuff.
If you have more less stuff, you will have more time.
And you don’t have to use time to clean up and organization

You will try become minimalist during a month and you can compare now and before.
During minimalist time, you only buy groceries and sanitaries.

Don’t have too much stress

If you have stress you want to buy a lot of things and eat junk food

Too stress is bad for our health and bad for your saving.
You want to save your money, you have to think less stress first.

Make your saving tasks

You can get a lot of saving money tips from book, internet and magazines. The most important thing is doing. You can try making saving tasks what you want.

For example

Make tasks for study

  • Search interesting certification
  • Read the book 1page a day
  • Write a blog your learning something

Make tasks for become limited minimalist

  • Throw 10 unnecessary stuff everyday
  • Don’t buy unnecessary stuff during month from today
  • Sell or give someone to your stuff

Make tasks for don’t have a stress

  • Check having the stress
  • Talk with your family or friends and check your stress
  • Find relaxation tips and do it.

I hope this blog make you think more saving and how to use the money

We always support your saving money to use To do list