Let’s make your clean-up tasks!

You are busy at that time your room will become untidy.

Eating, you can go to the restaurant. Laundry, you can rely on laundry service. But clean-up your room is difficult to rely on others because you need to throw your unnecessary stuff down this thing nobody do it.

We recommend clean-up tips for who has untidy room. These tips need under 5 minutes.

I have certification about Japanese clean-up.

If your room untidy, you feel have more stress.

Would you try some clean-up tips?

First tips: Decrease your stuff

Untidy room cause is too many stuff.

” Less stuff” is for busy person. Because your stuff have to management.

You have important and memorable stuff but you also have unnecessary stuff a lot. For example many cloth, many tableware and many papers etc

You throw some garbage and consumables first.

You don’t need any judge of unnecessary stuff to throw them away.
If you feel worry, you don’t throw these stuff away.

You threw them away when you feel worry, you will feel regret in near future.

Second: Don’t procrastination

You always do important thing but you will procrastinate very small thing, right?

Do action then finish soon but if you procrastinate you need to use more time.

You know small time become big time and procrastinate have a lot of bad thing for your time and your feeling.

Do something soon will become you get comfortable life.

Third: You don’t buy something new during busy

Shopping is very fun activity but choosing made us tired our brain and need time. All activity needs time and energy.

We recommend when you are busy you use the same stuff that you have.

Some people say shopping is retail therapy, absolutely right.
But at that time you don’t have enough time to sleep, so your important choice is go to the bed and sleep.

After sleeping you feel well, decrease your stress and you can saving.
And you don’t have unnecessary stuff.

Your condition is good at that time you can better choice than you feel tired.

You will wear the similar clothes or same bag few weeks maybe you feel worry about others. But the most important thing is your energy than others

Clean room make us less stress.
If you feel difficult by yourself we can help you anytime.